Nine-year-old is shot with a Nerf gun and loses his eye



A nine-year-old who suffered an accident whereby his eye was injured following being shot by a toy arrow six years ago has been shot at by a Nerf gun pellet which has led him to lose his eye completely.


At the age of just here years old, Taylor-Jay Ravicini from Swansea, Wales was involved in an accident that involved a toy arrow.


Fortunately for him at the time, doctors were able to save his eye. However now at 9 years old, Taylor-Jay has lost his eye following being shot by a Nerf gun pellet by a friend.


His mother is now raising funds to pay for a special prosthetic eye. 


“I was there with my three children and everything just happened in a flash,” his 35-year-old mother said.


“What are the chances of an accident happening twice in the same eye?”


“I was downstairs and I heard a devastating scream and my heart sunk, I couldn’t even go to see him, I sent my partner as I knew something had happened.”


“Taylor’s eye was full of blood and it was causing a build-up of pressure. Doctors told us that he risked losing sight in both eyes if we didn’t remove the damaged one.”


She is now hoping to raise enough money for a more convincing prosthetic eye after some students started bullying Taylor.


“I really don’t want people thinking I am a bad mother,” she said.


“I am constantly worrying for him and what will happen next, it has just been one big emotional roller coaster.”


“I hope people understand how much he needs this prosthetic eye.”


This is an opportunity for us to warn about the dangers of not supervising children with these types of toys.

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