Holly Garrido is no exception to those little kids whose fathers often assert that women with long hair have their own beauty and attraction. But unlike most of such kids, Holly Garrido kept her father’s statement in her mind and never deviated from her dedication to keep her hair long strong and well-nourished.

Holly Garrido has worked as a guard at one of the plantations at Destin in Florida, and she has patiently let her grow down beneath her waist to reach to her hips for many years now.
When her family fixed her marriage, she was a bit nervous by assuming that her long grown hair has to be chopped off drastically to give her a makeover. But to her awe, she found that the stylists at the Avant-Garde Salon were extremely cordial and reasonable to realize her long term plight of growing her hair extensively.
Therefore they designed such a hair makeover which was enough to mesmerize her family and friends and of course herself!
To execute such a radical transformation, Pastella discussed with her colleague Jeremy Harfield, and they decided to give Holly a perfectly fitting hair cut and appropriate color to suit her skin tone and eye color.
Harfield executed the initial chopping layers by cutting almost 2 feet of Garrido’s long yellow blonde hair that she received since her last dye job.

This transformed her into a new person with a new look because her earlier hair color was vanished now.
The color that Pestella and Jeremy Harfield selected for her was a dramatic shift from light brown or auburn color to a neon brass blonde shade which is more in tune with her skin complexion. Her eyes too, got enhanced due to such subtle hair color.
The hairstylists further took enough precautions and necessary measures so as not to affect much damage to her lovely hair while dying. This made them to divide the dying phase into multiple steps to ensure extra care and nourishment of the hair.

Patella undertook a four-step procedure while coloring her hair, which consumed over seven hours to complete the entire process! But such an extensive amount of time and an equal amount of effort left her hair silky and conditioned as opposed to the general assumption of hair dyes making hair rough, damaged, and dry.
Pastella did not use color on her skull or not even dyes the full length of her hair with a single color. Rather she used Aveda hair color with heavy highlights combined with lighter highlights to create a structure and coloring dimension to her hair. The tip of the hairs is further painted with a lighter color to enhance the overall look and create a dramatic effect.

Holly’s hair is further toned with a subtle pastel purple to remove any trace of the residual red color in her newly chopped blonde hair infused with platinum highlights.
The result was such that she couldn’t believe her eyes when she encountered herself in the mirror!

What do you think about this transformation?

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