This is how this soldier looks seven years later after surviving a grenade explosion.

I never understood war. To me, war seems illogical. From the World Wars to the modern, Afghanistan or Syria wars, I have never managed to understand why young brave men should give their lives over the desires of spoiled politicians. Most of the people who have been in war have either died or came back with injuries. In any occasion when a soldier survives or does a very impressive heroic act, they are awarded the Purple Heart. This soldier jumped on a grenade to save his fellow and not only he survived but this is how he looks seven years from then.

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8 years ago today I woke up to my first sunrise on Parris Island. Honored to have earned the title. #SemperFidelis

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It’s 2010 and William Kyle Carpenter is sent in Afghanistan to serve as part of the Marine. While being in the forefront and fighting with the enemy, a grenade come close to Kyle and another soldier. Without thinking too much, William just jumps of the grenade as it explodes. He suffers major injuries in his head and body, from his shattered skull to losing one lung. He has declared as a ‘patient expired on arrival’, and he is actually half dead until he is brought up at the hospital.

Now he has managed not only to recover but he has joined the university studies and is living a happy life. Despite still having the scars from the grenade explosion he is thankful to God for still breathing and living. But what I really wonder, is how does he manage to sleep at night?

I mean after a terrible event, where he jumped on a grenade for Christ’s sake, he is still able to be a functioning member of society? This man deserved the Gold Medal but on top of all, no politician is compared to his bravery.

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