Scientists find strange “Yellow Brick Road” at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

It is quite amazing that there are still so many unexplained phenomena, so much to understand and take in, given how long people have called the Earth home.We are more linked than ever because to the internet and the simplicity of communication it allows.

This implies that the mysteries and wonders of the natural world can actually be communicated with the press of a button. We are all able to see and hear things that we never would have been able to a century before, and debates and theories can be addressed.

In light of this, we were compelled to inform our readers of a recent underwater find that researchers made in the Pacific Ocean.

An underwater “yellow brick road” has been discovered, according to reports, following an expedition to a deep-sea ridge just north of the Hawaiian islands.According to sources, the expedition team’s goal was to look into a split in Hawaii’s Lili’uokalani Ridge Seamounts.

The Exploration Vessel Nautilu’s crew discovered the ‘yellow brick road’ in question using a remotely driven vehicle, and it appears that they were equally as amazed as those who have watched their video footage subsequently.

The team’s efforts were live streamed, capturing the precise moment they discovered what appears uncannily to be a road built of yellow, rectangular blocks. It’s the route to Atlantis, a crew member remarked. Someone another chimed in: “The yellow brick road?”

The researchers appeared to be just as astounded by the discovery as those who afterwards watched the YouTube video. This is strange. Are you serious? At the time, one of the crew members exclaimed, “This is crazy.” There is a scientific explanation for the mysterious rock pattern, despite the fact that it sparked a lot of online curiosity.

The formation was referred to by the researchers in the aforementioned YouTube video as “an example of ancient active volcanic geography.”

The following sentence appears in the description of the video: “At the summit of Nootka Seamount, the team spotted a “dry lake bed” formation, now IDed as a fractured flow of hyaloclastite rock (a volcanic rock formed in high-energy eruptions where many rock fragments settle to the seabed).”

Watch the video below:

Even though it’s not Dorothy’s yellow brick road, the discovery is nevertheless wonderful.

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