Marlo Thomas confesses her love for Phil Donahue on his 87th birthday & shares nostalgic photo

The marital manual was literally written by Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue. The long-married pair shares personal details of their marriage in their book, What Makes a Marriage Las: 40 Celebrated Couples Share with Us the Secrets. Marlo most intriguingly discloses that, despite having been married to Phil for more than 40 years, she grew up with little interest in …

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‘Man-aconda’ stuns the world: Unveiling the astonishing tale of the eye-striking phenomenon

The numerous hidden wonders of the animal realm never cease to astound us. Nevertheless, certain animals stand out more than others and have the power to rapidly make international news due to their peculiar appearances or uncommon characteristics. I’ll be the first to admit that when I first saw a picture of this strange “penis snake,” I thought it was …

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Strangest Trap Doors Ever Found

They say some doors are best left closed, but curiosity will often get the better of anyone posed with the mystery of what lies beyond. And out of the many door varieties, trap doors take the cake for generating the most intrigue and hiding some of the creepiest finds. From secret underwater passageways to hidden horror pits, grab your torches …

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A Couple At The Church

The duo endured a lengthy sermon at the church, and the woman eventually gave in to exhaustion, drifting off to sleep. Seeing this, her husband tried to rouse her gently with a nudge.  At this point, the priest asked the congregation a question. The priest then inquired about the gathering that had led the Israelites to freedom from slavery in …

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Police are called on boy selling “ice cold beer”

We are in the thick of summer, and the temperature is rising quickly. This is the ideal time for a refreshing cold beverage. So this is the perfect time of year for kids all around the country to take advantage of it by going outside to the front lawn and setting up a traditional lemonade stand. A small boy, though, …

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