Neglecting sore neck after waking up, causes a woman to get paralyzed hours later.

You never truly know the cause of your body reaction and that is why you need to take measurements immediately. For me, I call the emergency room whenever something is wrong with me. For example. I was sleeping one night, all calm and serene and suddenly I woke up at three am feeling this burning and aching pain in my left biceps. It was so tremendous that I wanted to cry. I was screaming out loud because no matter how I would turn and what position I would take, the pain wouldn’t go away. I called 911 thinking it was an artery problem or heart attack and after the paramedics came and examined me they said it is just a case of sore muscle and it is not life-threatening. But this is not the case for everyone.

Helen Fincham woke up one morning to feel that her neck was really sore. The 21-year-old thought that she just slept wrong on it and didn’t think it was much of a problem. Hours later she found herself on her bed, locked in her own body, not being able to move legs or arms. She called 911 and they rushed her to the hospital. After analysis, she was diagnosed with transverse myelitis, for which there is no known cure yet.

She had to stay in the hospital for six months getting treated and now she is 24 and still having people helping her do basic stuff, like clean herself and eat and even go outside. She cannot stand up or anything. She can only move her arms. Isn’t it funny how one day you are perfectly healthy and the next you are lying in your bed not being able to move? That’s why I am quick to call 911 for any case.

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