Father represents by example to his boys on how to treat a woman and this gets him viral.

Good parents are rare out there. My parents tried their best to raise me well and teach me the right way, but unfortunately on some things that they taught me, they failed to transmit the right message through me so I have to teach myself on those same things. I had a small fight with my wife this morning and in order to calm her down and apologize I got her flowers and made her a surprise at her workplace. This is something that I taught myself how to do.

Billy Flynn from Boston is raising his kids in the best way possible. Even though he is divorced or better yet separated from their mother, on her birthday he gave her a gift and flowers and even a surprise breakfast he prepared with his little boys. Many men won’t understand this because they are used to holding grudges against the person they are separated. But Billy wants to teach his boys by example that no matter what, a woman must be treated like a queen and that you make yourself look like a king if you do that.

He explained everything on Facebook where he went viral. He said that a lot of people and even friends of his do not understand how he behaves like this, but he said that what he is doing is bigger than him and bigger than his own ego that wants him to hold on anger and grudges. What he is doing, is raising real and strong men that will respect and treat women good, in order to then have, subtle and smart women. He is doing something that human society really needs.

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