This is the story of Ellen Frey-Wouters, a lady who shocked the entire world with a remarkable deed.
Being wealthy, she was able to successfully raise $ 300,000. She passed away at the age of 88, leaving behind a will that detailed the recipients of her possessions and money.
Nobody could believe it when they learned that the widow had given Troy and Tiger, her two cats, the whole fortune.

Her husband passed away in 1989, and her only kid passed away when she was a little child. Ellen had some relatives who wasn’t really close to but who needed money since their financial position wasn’t great. The only person not humiliated by the woman’s gesture is Dahlia Grizzle, the woman’s carer, who is now left to look after the cats.
These two cats, she claimed, were like her children; she cared for them endlessly and loved them dearly. They are exceptional cats that grieved long after the loss of their owner, thus they deserve to have a happy life.

Tiger was taken in by Ellen as a young, defenseless kitten from the streets. Today, he lives in a very nice bed with silk sheets and only eats premium food and specials prepared exclusively for him. Who knows what will happen once the cats passes away? The sole close relative in Ellen’s life, her sister, will receive the remaining money.
Here are some images of the two fortunate kitties, who are currently leading very happy lives.

Despite how strange it might seem, this is not the only case of its type. Leona Helmsley, a billionaire from New York, was well-known for the terrible manner she treated her staff. Her dog received the entire fortune once she passed away.
What do you think of the woman’s choice to leave her whole fortune to her pets? If you were in her shoes, would you act the same way?