In the popular American television sitcom “Two and a Half Men” we met Angus T. Jones as Jake Harper, a sweet little boy, but a little bit silly. At the age of 10, Angus was offered the role of Jake Harper in Two and a Half Men. The series became known around the world and this helped Angus reach a salary of …
Read More »Nicolas Cage is heartbroken.
Despite his 2002 divorce from Lisa Marie Presley, Nicolas Cage still harbors fond memories of the late singer. Shortly after the news came on January 12 that Presley had passed away at 54 after suffering a cardiac arrest. The actor paid respect to Presley in a statement released by his manager. “This is awful news. CNN obtained a touching note …
Read More »Woman adopts a boy no one wanted to adopt: see what he looks like now
Particularly for those with disabilities who struggle to conform to societal expectations, this world has grown to be a terrible place. These folks want for a home among the stars and wish to be accepted, but sadly, cruel looks and remarks are always made. Rustam is a little boy with birth defects that his parents neglected to treat. He was …
Read More »Robert Redford, a legendary actor, and his family are in our thoughts and prayers as they cope with their devastating loss.
Robert Redford is looking for comfort from his family after the death of his son James, who fought cancer for a number of years. According to reports, James, a 58-year-old filmmaker, passed away unexpectedly on Friday as a result of bile duct cancer that manifested in his liver. According to a Robert Redford spokesman, the actor “is mourning alongside his …
Read More »Private details of Diana Ross love life: Inside her two marriages and the three fathers to her five children
The storied Motown singer who never stops giving is Diana Ross. Her voice still sends chills down my spine when I hear her sing, even at the age of 77. This is the tale of the lovely Detroit native who, by the time she was in her teens, had already achieved superstardom. Everyone can communicate with one another through music, …
Read More »‘A Miracle Baby’: A Black Couple’s Blonde, Blue-Eyed Child Astounds Doctors
The black Nigerian couple’s affection for their newborn daughter was immediate and intense. The couple, who already had two children, couldn’t believe their eyes as they looked into their new addition’s lovely blue eyes and golden locks. Parenthood is a joyous and unforgettable experience, but have you ever thought about the possibility of a white husband or wife raising a …
Read More »Eric Christian Olsen was mean to his off-screen wife when they first met, and she called him ‘a big jerk’
When he joined NCIS Los Angeles, Eric Christian Olsen became a celebrity. The 44-year-old actor, who has played Marty Deeks on the program for 12 years, has acknowledged that it can be challenging to keep in character when off-camera. In addition to becoming a star on NCIS Los Angeles, Olsen and his wife, Sarah Wright, have welcomed three children into …
Read More »Dolly Parton criticized for looking “cheap” and “ugly” – but she’s hit back
Dolly Parton has enjoyed a lengthy and incredibly successful career in the public eye. The talented vocalist has been a mainstay at the top of the entertainment business for as long as most of us can remember, transcending decades and fashions with her gifts. However, even someone as legendary as her is compelled to respond to her detractors. According to …
Read More »Texas mom breastfeeds newborn son at a restaurant, then stranger asks her to do something you won’t believe
It’s 2022 – but the debate as to whether or not women should be allowed to breastfeed openly in public places continues to rage. That said, I think we can all agree that it’s not easy for mothers to cover up during the summertime. It’s simply too hot for both mom and child. When a little one is hungry, it’s important …
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