Mother bans smoking mother-in-law from touching baby unless she’s recently showered and changes first

There is so much joy and excitement around the birth of a new baby, but it can also be stressful.

One mother was worried that her kid would be exposed to third-hand smoke because her mother-in-law smoked frequently.

Although her mother-in-law refused to smoke around her child, smoke would still get on her clothes and hair, which is why the expectant woman was naturally worried.

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According to the Mayo Clinic: “Thirdhand smoke is residual nicotine and other chemicals left on indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. People are exposed to these chemicals by touching contaminated surfaces or breathing in the off-gassing from these surfaces.

“This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix including cancer causing compounds, posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers — especially children.”

She asked if her mother-in-law could shower and change before holding her new grandson so she could be sure she wasn’t introducing any third-hand smoke into her home and around her baby.

According to’s Care and Feeding page the mom said: ” I’m not worried about her smoking in front of my child, but after researching thirdhand smoke, I am very concerned about her holding the baby after she has had a cigarette. My husband and I have decided that after she smokes, she needs to shower and change her clothes before she can pick up the baby.

“We don’t want my mother-in-law to feel ostracized, and we don’t want to hurt her feelings, but obviously, those are likely potential outcomes,” the anonymous “worried mom-to-be” asked the help and advice page.

“How can we still be welcoming and let her know we are excited to have her around while still setting these boundaries? Also, how long should we remain this strict about the issue? How should we handle this when we are visiting my in-laws?”

In response to her question Care and Feeding wrote: “You are perfectly within your rights to ask for what you want; her response to that is her business, not yours.

“When she’s visiting you, I think you can be strict about this. When you are visiting them, I think you have to, for necessity’s sake, be less so. It’s not possible for them to clear all residual smoke and nicotine off of everything in their home. You may want to stay in a hotel for that reason.”

What do you think of this expecting mother’s worries about exposing her unborn child to third-hand smoke? Are you a grandmother who smokes and strongly disagrees with the woman’s demands on her household?

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