No love compares to that of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.
The marriage of Jimmy Carter, 98, and Rosalynn Carter, 95, is ““the most important thing in my life.” according to Carter.
The oldest U.S. president still alive believes that just two factors can guarantee a good and long-lasting marriage: “First of all, choose the right person to marry,” Carter told ABC’s “Good Morning America” Monday. “And every night, we try to make sure we’re completely reconciled from all the arguments during the day.”

In 2019, the Carters overtook George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush as the longest-married presidents. On July 2022, they celebrated their 76th wedding anniversary.
How can you maintain the flame after so many years? The simplest answers are frequently the finest.
The 98-year-old former president came up with a way to express his love for his wife back when he was a young naval commander in the 1940s.
‘I love you the goodest.’ That’s what my mother and daddy used to say back and forth, and I picked it up with Rosa,” he told People in a 2014 interview.
Jimmy had ILYTG etched on a compact he gave Rosalynn because it became such an important part of their lives together.
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, Georgia houses the agreement documents.
Also, like Jimmy, the Carter kids have started using ILYTG among themselves.

“Now all our children do the same thing – ILYTG on the phone or in emails. They generally just put the initials,” he said. “And sometimes they change the initials and make you guess what they’re talking about.”
Nonetheless, Carter has discovered that it’s important to spend time with his partner and “give each other plenty of space to do our own thing.” They frequently partake in pursuits like fly fishing, bird watching, and church attendance. They read a text from the Bible aloud each night before bed.
The Associated Press interviewed Rosalynn Carter on July 4, and she described their union as a “partnership,” using those words to describe their relationship. Rosalynn remarked, “I knew more on paper about the business than he did,” Rosalynn said. “He would take my advice about things.”
The Carters’ relationship has gotten closer over the years, in part because of the time they spent confined to their Plains, Georgia, home during the coronavirus outbreak. The 39th president stated during an appearance on “GMA” that their 75-year marriage has strengthened their love for one another. “I think that’s a kind of extraordinary thing. Doesn’t happen to very many couples, but it certainly happened to us.”

You can’t help but adore them. You’ll never meet nicer, more sincere people than the Carters.
I ask that God would keep blessing them.
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