Tru Wende Beare, a child who was born 14 weeks early but overcame her hardships to become a great beauty today, is the subject of this narrative. Tru is an exceptionally brave girl.
Tru was the smallest infant ever seen by medical professionals when she was born, weighing just 1 pound.
Tragically, this meant that Tru had to spend a lot of time in the hospital, where the medical staff at the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, Canada, did everything they could to save her life.

Her parents hoped for the best and prayed to God. They were eager to embrace their young daughter in their arms because they had a strange sense that she would live.
It took mom 11 days to hug her tiny bundle of joy, and dad didn’t get to hold Tru until she was 54 days old.

After being ultimately transferred to a crib, Tru was kept in an incubator for 71 days. After then, she noticed a gradual improvement in her life with each passing day.

Baby Tru experienced many difficulties during her four months in the hospital but overcame many ailments.
Imagine having to battle Necrotizing Enterocolitis at such a young age, along with two blood clots, chronic lung disease, MRSA, retinopathy, two blood infections, including sepsis, a congenital heart problem, and seven blood transfusions.
However, it turned out that for this little fighter who wished to survive and be by his parents’ side, nothing was insurmountable.

Tru is now four years old and so adorable. Who would have believed that when this beauty was born, she only weighed one pound. What’s most important is that she is a big sister and a great role model for many.
She is a prime example that nothing is ever insurmountable and that the only course of action we have in life, regardless of how challenging things become, is to never give up.

We wish her a wonderful life and success in everything she sets out to do. She has already shown that she is unbeatable, and we hope she continues to think that way in the years to come.
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